Use our savings calculator to estimate your cost-savings and efficiency.
Calculate estimated savings with GHX Invoice and Payment Solutions by providing the following information.
Note: the healthcare industry average DSO is 45-60 days.
*Based on US domestic. If you are an international supplier and/or have numbers outside of these ranges, reach out for a customized savings analysis.
Your Savings Calculation with GHX Invoice and Payment Solutions
Companies with your level of revenue, DSO and terms can potentially save:
to per year with fewer days of DSO
15-day average DSO
96% reconciliation automated
100% digital invoicing
*Efficiency savings calculated around cost of paper and postage, automation savings, and free cash flow acceleration.
Results are based on information available and provided to GHX, including industry averages, internal data, and assumptions based on industry information and for illustrative purposes only. Actual savings will vary, and we give no assurance or guarantee that the potential savings will be obtainable or prove to be correct.