Use our savings calculator to see estimated savings.
Calculate estimated savings with GHX Invoice and Payment Solutions by providing the following information.
Free Up Additional Working Capital with Invoice and Payment Automation
On average, health systems with your level of spend and volume of invoices can save*: to Per Year.
Scale through automation**
On top of these potential savings, expanding automation can help you support processing an additional:
invoices and in spend per year with your existing team.
Achieve 90% prompt payments
Up to 100% digital invoicing cycles
90% faster approval
*Results are based on information available and provided to GHX, including industry averages, internal data, and assumptions based on industry information and for illustrative purposes only. Actual savings will vary, and we give no assurance or guarantee that the potential savings will be obtainable or prove to be correct.
**Results are based on assumption of going from 0% automated invoices to 100% automated invoices.