Nominations for GHXcellence Supply Chain Awards Open until February 15, 2018

Awards Recognize Provider and Supplier Organizations Using the Supply Chain to Improve the Efficiency and Excellence in Healthcare
Louisville, CO — Thursday, January 18, 2018

Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) annually honors the top performing and most forward-thinking organizations and individuals through its GHXcellence Awards program. Nominations for 14 different awards will be accepted through February 15, 2018. Winners will be announced at the 18th annual Healthcare Supply Chain Summit, May 7-9, 2018 at Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas.

The GHXcellence Awards blend quantitative and qualitative criteria to honor true healthcare supply chain leaders and innovation. The winners represent organizations and individuals that maximize supply chain potential to drive out costs and improve patient care. Healthcare providers and suppliers of all sizes and geographies are welcome to submit nominations for the GHXcellence Awards. Complete award criteria and the nomination form can be found on GHX awards webpages.

Industry Awards

Provider Awards

Supplier Awards

In addition, GHX will again recognize the GHX Provider Best 50, the top 50 hospital performers determined by the 2017 GHX Provider Scorecard (not open for nominations; winners ranked by GHX data) as well as the Millennium Club - provider and supplier organizations that generate over 1 million automated transactions (including advanced order sets) annually through the GHX Exchange to create efficiencies, accuracy and visibility for their own organizations and for their trading partners.

About GHX
Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) is a healthcare business and data automation company, empowering healthcare organizations to enable better patient care and maximize industry savings using its world-class cloud-based supply chain technology platform. GHX brings together healthcare providers, manufacturers and distributors in North America, and Europe, who rely on proven healthcare-focused technology and comprehensive data to automate business processes and make more informed, timely and fact-based decisions. Solutions span procurement and accounts payable automation, contract and inventory management, vendor credentialing and management, business intelligence, payment management and other supply chain-related tools and services. For more information, visit and The Healthcare Hub.